OpenSnap Opening Concert

OpenSnap Cool Party Non-Stop Music a free concert by OpenSnap was luanched to celebrate the opening of OpenSnap, a cool application for food-lovers.  On 3-4 May 2014, Parc Paragon was filled with foodies to have fun with the games and cover dance competition at day and enjoy the free concert at night.  Let's see how fun we have!


The venue

Foodies played games and win free premium gifts from OpenSnap.

Many cover dance teams entered the competition.


The cover dance winner team win the prize with it superb Ledy Gaga cover show.


The first day concert filled with fun and songs from Songkran The Voice, G20, Slot Machine and Thaitanium.

Songkarn The Voice

A lucky fan get free special t-shirt from Songkarn.


Aon Sriphan and DJ Eaky were hosting the show.


Enjoy the show from G20.


Slot Machine, the idol for rock fans

So much fun and exclusive!


Thaitanium, the world famous hip-hop band was the finale.


The second day concert started with Sinto Numchok relaxing performance.  Followed by Room 39 and ended with a pop singer we all miss, Palmy!

Singto Numchok

Free OpenSnap t-shirt with Singto's autograph!


Have fun with Room 39's popular songs.


Dance and sing along Palmy's songs

Let's selfie!

For those who would like to have fun like this, download OpenSnap now to keep yourself pdate with the coming activities.  OpenSnap is available now for free for both iOS and Android. For more information click  

Come with OpenSnap application on your phone and have fun with us next time! 

OpenSnap Concert
OpenSnap Opening
OpenSnap Cool Party Non-Stop Music
OpenRice TH Editor