World Cup 2014 Food Craze

It's World Cup time!  Every one wants to be a part of this phenomena that occurs every four years.  Restaurants are not exception.  Therefore special menu from many eateries are launched to celebrate the World Cup.  Let's find what you can eat to celebrate the Brazil World Cup 2014.


Mcdonald’s, an official sponser of the Brazil World Cup 2014, launched 3 special menu include Brazillian Chicken BurgerSpicy Korean Crispy fish mcbites and Italian Tomato Crispy fish mcbites. 
Enjoy the Wold Cup menu at Mcdonald’s from now untiil 17 July 2014.

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Shabu Shi, a shabu-shabu and sushi buffet chain, welcomes the World Cup 2014 with its Sushi Ball which has the shape of a football.  Order it now until the end of July at Shabushi.

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BreadTalk celebrates the World Cup with its bakery.  The two special footballicious collection, Go Goal and Jerseylicious,  comes with a cute shape of a football and a football t-shirt.

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Sfree comes with its Ole Ole! low fat icecream collection.The 3 special World Cup fever menu include Free Kick a la mode, Corner Kick a la mode and The Stadium cake that comes in the shape of a football field.  Available now until 20 July 2014.

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Kyo Roll En launches its Brazillian Coffee Roll to celebrate the Brazil World Cup 2014.  This seasonal menu is made by the famous Brazilian coffee.  You can order it alone or with Sumi Soft-cream from now until 20 July 2014.

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Find these eatery shops near you and enjoy the taste of the World Cup 2014 now!

World Cup 2014
Brazil World Cup
World Cup Promotion
World Cup menu
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