Awards and Titles
Michelin 1-star restaurant (2018-2023), Michelin Green Star (2024), Michelin Selected Restaurant 2025
Good For
Special Occasion Dining / Party
Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 20:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 20:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AMEX Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Michelin Guide
Service Charge
Serves Liquors
Corkage Fee
Tax Invoice
Restaurant Website
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Signature Dishes
Lobster and chestnut bisque with savory emulsion Creamy garlic soup with potato confit and chili bavarois Gratinated special Gillardeau oyster
Review (3)
Level1 2023-09-06
我去食嗰日大部份都係遊客而且都好多香港人食物都有特色個人覺得都可以食物環境衛生都好好呢個係set dinner 稍為覺得份量少因為食物太精緻😅😅我食埋個甜品都係覺得啱啱好夠飽🤗🤗 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2020-01-19
跨年泰國短遊,幾天前,才決定去呢間出名米之蓮餐廳吃午餐,好彩可以係網上預訂,好期待。餐廳在酒店的1樓,好特別的Up side down 室內設計主題,非常吸引。食物品質更不要多講,由淡味吃到濃味,再有個好清甜的甜品作結,又有如藝術品般 一碟碟有序地呈上你面前。前菜後,特別一提是 bubble pea soup, 青豆好新鮮,’bubble’ 是湯,會在你面前倒下,視覺與聽覺,再加臭味一齊衝擊你的食慾,跟著你會好好運用味覺同觸覺去享受這碗熱騰騰的湯。我們的位置,可以看到開放式廚房,內裡的廚師都非常專業和投入地為客人準備食物。可惜,當時我選錯了飲品——日本煎茶,茶葉冇問題,係上等TWG茶葉,因熱茶需要由熱水泡出茶香,惜餐廳用上帶鹹的自來水泡茶,令茶味變得怪怪,因為怕水土不服,唯有叫樽裝水飲。 (當時在民宿飮過,當地的自來水有點帶鹹嘅怪味,已經接受唔到,回港後,看新聞才知道是全泰國都係咁,因乾旱海水倒灌) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2019-11-07
It is another sunny Wednesday, this award winning restaurant is very far away from the public transportation and the main road, it might be the reason why there was only us to have lunch in weekday.The interior design is quite elagent with an upside down piano in the ceiling.The set lunch menu is a best deal at this Michelin's resturant with THB 1200 net for 5 courses when comparing with the 5-course tasting menu at THB 3399 net.We ordered one set lunch and one tasting menu, they serve with bread and side dish.They have three dressings however it is not our cup of tea and it is good to reheat the bread before serving.This side dish gave us a fresh taste to start the gourmet dining.The papaya soup is a bit sour and taste very good, while the chestnut soup is quite rich.Set lunch with two appetizers, the sorbet one tastes very interesting, not too cold and just like the gourmet melt at the mouth. The beetroot ribbon with a quail egg is a prefect couple with different textures and layers.The tasting menu gives you a choice to select two appetizers:The duck confit with bread which is not just a regular one, this is our first time to eat bread made with duck. This soybean ragout with mushroom gives us a feel of French snail.The fish skin is quite crispy, the fish is very tender. The scallops are well cooked and we can't tell that it was served with vegetable red wine sauce.This is a pre-dessert for the tasting menu to neturalize the taste bud.This potatoe-liked dessert planted in cropped sweet potatoes' skin which really looks like solid. We like the white chocolates skin with the topping of black chocolates.At the end of this gourmet dining, the restaurant gives us another surprise, the unexpected last serving. It is so sweet to conclude this wonderful 5-course journey. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)