Snap Pea Salad ยำถั่วลันเตาหวาน

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Snap Pea Salad
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This snap pea recipe is a healthy menu. Snap pea contains full of minerals and vitamins which are good for health. The mixture of Tastifit non-dairy cereal cream also help lower cholesterol. So, if you cook and eat snap pea salad frequent, you'll get fit with this healthy and yummy menu.
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Tastifit Cereal Cream 1000 ml
Tastifit Cereal Cream 200 ml
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Ingredient and Portion
1. Snap peas 200 grams
2. 6 medium-sized shrimps (peeled and deveined)
3. Onion 2 tbsp.
4. Tastifit cereal cream 3 tbsp.
5. Fish sauce 2 tbsp.
6. White sugar 2 tsp.
7. Lemon juice 3 tbsp.
8. Roasted chili paste 1 1/2 tbsp.
9. Salt
1. Chop off the ends of the snap peas on each side. Then blanched the peas in boiling water with a little salt. Wait a few minute, remove the peas from the pot and put into cold water. This will make snap peas crispy and beautifully green.
2. Cut the peas into 1 cm pieces while boiling shrimps until cooked enough, set aside.
3. Mix the fish sauce, sugar, roasted chili paste and 2 tablespoon of Testifit cereal cream in a bowl, stir well.
4. Add boiled snap peas and shrimps into the mixture, softly stir.
5. Place the salad on a dish. Topped with fried shallots and 1 tablespoon of cereal cream. Serve for immediate eat.


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ที่มาของข้อมูล : 4care tastifit ฟอร์แคร์ เทสตี้ฟิต กะทิธัญพืช
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