3-min walk from Exit 4, Siam BTS Station continue reading
Good For
Casaul Dining
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Cash Others
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Fruity Swing Fruity Yoghurt Mango Aloha Mango Salsa Mango Tango
Review (31)
Level2 2023-07-25
//14 06 23 晴天☀️Day 2 曼谷 Siam 15:13Mango Tango去到泰國緊係要食芒果糯米飯啦🥭~~其實隨便一檔路邊攤都已經好好味啲芒果又甜又多汁 糯米又香又煙韌加埋淋喺面嘅椰漿 完全係my favourite ar!!!🤩🤩🤩不過始終唔係個個都想熱辣辣🥵企係街邊到慢慢品嘗如果 想坐得舒服啲 又有冷氣涼❄️❄️❄️可以試吓去朝聖地點:Mango Tango佢地嘅佈置for打卡真係一流架🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻~~*雖然味道、環境方面都唔錯但係價錢就比出面偏貴*Mango Thai Sundae THB 175————————————————————————1/4舊芒果肉粒 熟成度啱啱好入口軟腍 香甜、多汁少少鹹嘅椰漿+有嚼勁嘅糯米飯 (似有調過味)兩者融合一齊 嗰種滋味難以形容配埋面頭脆卜卜嘅脆米 口感層次大大提升芒果雪糕感覺似食緊雪葩 味道帶酸 如果可以轉其他雪糕會比較好Mango Tango Extra Sticky-rice THB 250————————————————————————半邊芒果 熟成度啱啱好入口軟腍 香甜、多汁少少鹹嘅椰漿+有嚼勁嘅糯米飯 (似有調過味)兩者融合一齊 嗰種滋味難以形容配埋面頭脆卜卜嘅脆米 口感層次大大提升一大篤忌廉+芒果布甸 布甸入口綿滑 裏面佈滿新鮮香甜嘅芒果肉粒芒果雪糕感覺似食緊雪葩 味道帶酸 如果可以轉其他雪糕會比較好———————————————————————— continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-11-16
其實都不太算是千里迢迢,因為這間甜品店的地點不算太過偏僻,但是,經常聽到人們說,好像一定要去試試,這一間甜品店名氣甚強,你就會對它的質素有所期待。首先在門口,你就已經需要按照店員指示,在門口先下單,然後就會有店員將你帶到桌子,然後等候食物來到。由於先前已經在其他地方吃過兩頓芒果糯米飯😏,因此,糯米飯的新鮮感已經蕩然無存。但一向對於布丁的觀感都不太好,而且芒果雪糕,大多都感覺不太順滑,因此就大家都點了芒果糯米飯就算了。果然,看到旁邊有人在吃芒果雪糕,雪糕的質地又不夠順滑😒,而且可以看到面頭有很多冰粒,看到就覺得不吸引。之後,我們的芒果糯米飯先後來到,真有趣,故作有格調的餐廳,兩個一模一樣的東西,竟然需要分先後次序來到🤔?擺設看起上來也不錯,但其實只是將兩球糯米飯形成球體一般,再在上面林少許椰汁。芒果亦都好像在家裏吃一般,兩邊切開,然之後用到切成一粒粒正方形。芒果的味道,不太感到特別多汁,或是特別香甜,因此吃上來都沒有覺得特別過癮。其實,你將兩邊芒果合起來,你就知道這絕對沒有一整個芒果,因為,合起來,中間應該還會有芒果核😏🤔。糯米飯亦都普普通通,沒有感覺很濃香的椰汁味道,糯米都不太熱,即使將糯米飯配合味芒果,味道都只是普普通通。糯米飯上邊的花生米,份量又很少,好像只有幾粒,絕不過癮。因此,就我看來,這兒的吸引之處,都只是它的格調,因為平日大部份曼谷當地的芒果糯米飯,都只是用碟子/盒子,裝起少許糯米飯,然之後切兩片芒果,沒有這兒的高桌子,高櫈,再配合強勁的音樂節拍,旁邊又有大個開放式廚房那般有格調。這兒的芒果糯米飯,質素沒有街頭的那麼好吃,而且價格貴了三四倍,都不太明白,為何會令人趨之若鶩?這間芒果探戈,來一次就夠了,一試便知龍與鳳,再去夜市,又或是澤杜澤市場的餐廳吃到的更為好味。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-07-24
芒果糯米飯:芒果好甜,唔會過熟或者過生,超正 糯米飯好煙韌,加埋椰漿個甜度啱啱好 糯米飯上面既脆脆豐富左成個甜品嘅口感 熱情果沙冰:係熱辣辣嘅泰國飲一杯熱情果沙冰嘅感覺一流 新鮮榨,啖啖都係攪碎左嘅熱情果子,足料 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2017-10-03
跟旅遊書特登去食... 點知原來係收銀擺到出門口咁濟... 製造長龍,每人要起碼買一樣甜品或飲品,先批准入去坐,如果唔係,跟本都入唔到去坐位...需知道,去旅行,由街頭食到街尾,已經大半飽,但仍然堅持嚟幫襯,只諗住速戰速決,嗌4個芒果糯米飯,食哂就走...誰知職員態度惡劣,明明入面有位,都堅持我哋冇每人買一份,就唔俾入去坐... (我已經解釋,因為我哋太飽,及唔會坐太耐,食哂就走...)連泰國都係咁... 真係世界變咯~結果,我哋決定取消單... 掉頭就走... 無下次~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-07-01
I have to say – mango is definitely one of the must-eat in Bangkok. They are found everywhere when you stroll down the city, but one place to note is Mango Tango, the most popular places for mango dessert in Bangkok Thailand.They have 3 outlets at the moment, two in Bangkok and one in Chiang Mai. The Siam shop is always my go-to location because it can be easily located by just a 3-minutes walk from BTS Siam Station, across Siam Paragon.Here you can find a wide range of combinations such as mango ice cream, pudding, sundae, smoothies and the very much well-known mango sticky rice.We order a greedy choice with almost everything, the signature Mango Tango with extra sticky rice. True to its name, it has a generous slice of sweet and juicy mango, while the mango pudding is fairly okay with a full mouth of mango flavor; mango ice cream has a sorbet texture. The sticky rice also has the right texture, but I wish for more coconut cream.Another one is a bowl of herbal jelly with mango sauce, milk sago and assorted fruits; tastes as simple as it look.After all, the desserts is not overwhelmingly impressive but still enjoyable on the hot day. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)