164 วิว
A grandfather of indy cafe in Bangkok that is still going strong. Now with ‘amarista’ at the helm most time , Happy Espresso still delivers a surprisingly good coffee. Highly recommend!Happy Espresso is among the pioneers in the indy coffee circle in Bangkok years back. Previously known as Bangkok Espresso Lab, I had coffee here quite some time ago from the owner and was impressed by his coffee then. The latest incarnation of Happy Espresso is the redecoration of the shop from a little corn
Happy Espresso is among the pioneers in the indy coffee circle in Bangkok years back. Previously known as Bangkok Espresso Lab, I had coffee here quite some time ago from the owner and was impressed by his coffee then.
Cappuccino of Cento Blend
123 วิว
0 ไลค์
0 คอมเมนต์
Espresso of Timeless blend
164 วิว
0 ไลค์
0 คอมเมนต์
Walkure Bayreuth Porcelain of Guatemala
148 วิว
0 ไลค์
0 คอมเมนต์