2018-10-01 442 วิว
it is one of those resturants that could have done so much better and yet damaged by the service. Let me start by the food.I finally worked up an appetite to try the all you can eat menu ordering the steam lobster and the new England crab boil. I don't know where the is because I ordered all you can eat menu the crab boil was not very fresh definitely not live crab as advertised so i suspect they gave me the not so fresh was alive once crab and prawns.The steam lobster was very fresh with plent
it is one of those resturants that could have done so much better and yet damaged by the service. Let me start by the food.

I finally worked up an appetite to try the all you can eat menu ordering the steam lobster and the new England crab boil. I don't know where the is because I ordered all you can eat menu the crab boil was not very fresh definitely not live crab as advertised so i suspect they gave me the not so fresh was alive once crab and prawns.
The steam lobster was very fresh with plenty of edible meat inside the reddish shell.

I further order a fish taco, crab roll and an oyster roll. This is one of the things that frustrates me as the amazing taco shell and the soft bun just makes me wonder why the resturant is not jam packed with customers and they have to sell half fresh seafood.

I think it mainly has to do with the waitering staffs and the managment team, never once did the waiter come up to replace clean plates and they just stood there and did nothing . I have wave frantically to get their attention.

This resturant can be do so much better if the managment and their waitering team hot off their asses and do something.
159 วิว
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150 วิว
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131 วิว
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  • lobsterandtaco